Katie Rogers sat on Brooklyn Bridge, Doing Breathwork

30 day Breathwork Challenge

30 days to harness the power of your breath and level up your life


Let’s talk about Breathwork

Katie rogers Breaht work challenge - woman stood on Brooklyn Bridge

Embracing a daily breathwork practice has an incredible amount of benefits to it, including:

  💚 More clarity and focus

💚 More energy

💚 Improved HRV and emotional regulation

💚 Better sleep 

💚 Reduction in stress

💚 Reduction in anxiety 

💚 Happier nervous system 

💚 Reduced depression

💚 Greater connection to yourself and emotions

💚 Feeling more grounded

💚 Experiencing improved wellbeing

Inside the challenge, we have:

  • Four techniques with varying practice lengths so you can build your practice

  • Bonus breathwork practices for relaxation

  • Bonus Habit building education 

  • Education - learn why breathwork is the most powerful way to bio hack your way to wellness

  • Instant access for life. Do this challenge as many times as you like

  • Find out why my clients say they want to do this daily practice for the rest of their lives!

Client Reviews!

These clients LOVED the 30 day challenge so much, that they’re continuing it again and again and say they want to do it FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIVES! You only pay once and get access FOR LIFE!

Breathwork experience

“It was amazing and intense. Katie’s voice all the way through was encouraging and gave me a feeling of empowerment and strength…It was a really incredible experience…This has felt so much more effective than any other couselling or anything else I’ve done before… ”

- Amy

The Breathwork Science

Your autonomic nervous system is the primary driver behind what you THINK and FEEL, without conscious thought. It controls your heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, digestion and sexual arousal.

So let's imagine, you're going for a walk. You step into the road and suddenly see a bicycle coming towards you. Your nervous system shifts into fight or flight mode. Your heart rate goes up, your breath becomes fast and shallow. You feel a surge of adrenaline and you leap out of the way into safety. 

This happens SO FAST because your body has leapt into action without conscious thought, so that it can keep you safe and alive. 

 If you have a healthy heart rate variability (HRV) you'll be able to shift out of this nervous system state fairly quickly once you're back into safety.

However, if you've been feeling regularly stressed, anxious and overwhelmed, your HRV will be lower and your body might have a harder time shifting back to a state of “safe and social”. You might feel this sense of heightened fear and stress long after the event. 

Hopefully you're not in this position too often, but you might find yourself regularly experiencing high stress at work or home and struggle to switch out of it. Then even normal tasks feel like emergencies and our threat detectors are set to HIGH ALERT, seeing the world as a really scary place.

Here’s where the power of breathwork comes in

KAtie rogers My connected self - woman leaping into the air

Using and manipulating breath, allows us to change the other parts of our autonomic nervous system. It's basically the remote control to feeling better. 

And the best part, the more you train it, the better your HRV will become. 

Working with the breathwork practices and techniques on our 30 day challenge will (amongst a tonne of other awesome benefits) train your HRV so that you can efficiently shift between different nervous system states. 

You are not designed to be perpetually stressed and on high alert. 

You're going to teach your body a better way, on this challenge! 

If you have an apple watch or other HRV monitoring tool, I highly recommend using this as a measure to track your progress on the challenge! 

Client experience

“I felt well informed, comfortable and at ease…I felt like it concluded a cycle or loop that I was something I no longer need to do or hold in my body…I was able to release that at the end of the session.

If you’re on the fence about it or hesitating I’d say just go for it.”

- Jazareena Harlow

4 ways that breathwork can help you

Some say that breathwork is the silver bullet for anxiety and stress relief. But that’s not the only benefit you can experience.

This challenge is going to 👏 BLOW 👏 YOUR 👏 MIND 👏 as I teach you techniques that’ll help you to bio hack your way to wellness.

Here are 4 ways that breathwork can help you biohack your way to optimum health:

👉 Breathwork can change your hormones

Yes, we can induce production of feel good hormones such as dopamine and serotonin using breathwork techniques.

👉 Breathwork can improve your HRV

Training breathwork increases your heart rate variability. This results in both athletic benefits (better ability to regulate the heart rate after intense cardio) and better ability to switch between nervous system states (so that you can stress less).

👉 Breathwork can improve brain functioning

Training breathwork can play a fundamental role in trauma recovery because it promotes brain tissue regeneration.

👉 Breathwork improves athletic performance

Training breathwork can result in improved CO2 tolerance for more efficient oxygen and nutrient delivery. This also means you won't reach that “breathless” point in your training as fast. It also allows for increased lung capacity and strengthened respiratory muscles.

Alongside a whole host of other powerful benefits that will help to elevate your mood and level up your life!

The 30 day Breathwork challenge


I can't wait to see you on the inside and share the power of a daily breath work practice with you! 

I’m Katie

Katie Rogers - Transformational life coach

I am a recovering people pleaser, and former burnout queen who went from working (miserably) as a lawyer to breaking free from an abusive relationship and running my own business focussed around self mastery!

I've struggled with anxiety, stress and disconnection from myself and my purpose. I regularly had panic attacks and my nervous system seemed to be stuck in fight or flight mode. But that's not my reality now.

Working on regulating my nervous system and releasing my traumas through different styles of breathwork CHANGED MY LIFE. It even saved my life.

It helped me to gain clarity, break patterns that were keeping me in toxic situations and allowed me to build a life that I truly love.

Who I’ve worked with

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Ready to transform your life with breathwork?


Please note that this challenge is not suitable for those with the following:

  •  Cardiovascular problems

  • High or abnormal blood pressure

  • History of aneurisms

  • History of epilepsy or epileptic seizures

  • Bipolar depression

  • Osteoporosis

  • Recent surgery

  • Glaucoma

  • Pregnancy

  • Any person with mental illness who isn’t in treatment, or lacks adequate support